Faith in the Face of Proof

Can our conjectures, when practical, mean there is proof for the intractable?

Aimée Sparrow
3 min readMar 30, 2024
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If spiritual concepts were fundamental, proving their existence to yourself would be possible. So far, I have found and experienced some logical proof, which is why I also have faith, driven mainly by certainty. However, the brain can manipulate any of our senses because the brain processes your sense data, so our experiences alone might not prove the existence of spiritual entities.

When you feel something more exists out of gut instinct, that is a combination of archetypal brain structures that grow out of genetic memory to make us fit our experiences and our lifestyles into a God-shaped mold. I was solidly atheist for 15 years. Here is why I changed my mind.

My dreams started taking a darker turn. I would be placed in situations I felt were fully real yet in a different time or space, perhaps even without time or space, and in those situations, I would have to contend with who I saw myself as. I brought my consciousness into the dreams as I learned to dream lucidly and saw that events did not play out as expected. Some individuals in dreams seemed to live separately from me, leading me to think psychic beings outside of me made their way in.



Aimée Sparrow

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering.