Functional Psychiatry Solved It

Bipolar disorder, no more hassles.

Aimée Sparrow
3 min readNov 12, 2023
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Functional medicine treats the individual based on testing, biomarkers, and researched genetic differences. If psychiatric malpractice wasn’t so common, thinking that if one pill doesn’t solve it, add on five more to balance the side effects, patients wouldn’t be so muted, unable to feel both happiness and sadness, unable to be fully human as we should all have the right to be.

For over 15 years, I’ve been fighting hard to be treated with dignity. To be allowed to heal and to go down on the dose of my medication. After a long struggle, I got on a small dose of one medication. It was much more complicated than it should have been. Seems as though practitioners are more afraid of relapse than they are of giving someone the autonomy they deserve.

The self-work I’d been doing until then was regular therapy, reading voraciously, sleeping well by building my lucid dreaming practice, and keeping in touch with good friends and family. I was doing all things right and also, I had achieved financial wellness. I was headed on the right track. Nonetheless, it kept on being repeated to me that medication is lifelong and the only way to control the illness, which to me was like a beast we cannot see, hear, or touch, but that ravages the brain in unknown ways if we do not keep it at bay.



Aimée Sparrow

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering.