If a Cure Exists, Would You Take It?

Dementia might have a preventative cure for the majority.

Aimée Sparrow
2 min readMar 18, 2024
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It has been known for decades that low-dose lithium (around 1 mg lithium orotate) can prevent age-related and Alzheimer 's-related dementia. Peer-reviewed studies and experimentation constantly prove this. However, big pharma does not want us to be well and does not want us to discover natural cures. So, the general population is not aware of this easy preventative measure, and people die young every day from dementia-related complications.

I take low-dose lithium because what is there to lose? Even towns and cities that add trace lithium to their drinking water significantly improve their communities' mental wellness. There is less crime and fewer psychiatric hospitalizations.

Suppose someone close to your friend died of Alzheimer’s, knowing that a viable preventative treatment existed and the deceased did not take it. Would you point that out? Sure, you would not. It would be rude and socially unacceptable. What you could do is suggest your friend take low-dose lithium and give her the information she needs to research it for herself.

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Aimée Sparrow

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering. aimee.sparrowling@gmail.com