Mania is Powerful, as is Drunkenness
A powerful way to cut loose and chill out?
Mania is being drunk on euphoria, and you similarly lose control of yourself, your inhibitions fall away, and you act obnoxiously overconfident because you are. Those who are manic can be extremely rude and direct, angry and outspoken, and generally make irrational and poorly thought-out decisions with the potential for enormous fallout.
I enjoyed the state of mania the four times I had a full-blown manic episode, as it brought me toward enlightenment, samadhi, and speaking with God while feeling connected with everything that exists. This sense of power and confidence is intoxicating. It might have opened my third eye and recovered much of my innate psychic ability, which I can carefully cultivate today as I continue using it.
I am lucky to have many mentors and teachers today, and I can go to them whenever I have a question or need guidance on my spiritual journey. Hypomania, a lower form of mania, is exciting, but afterward, I do get the doom-laden depression that brings me to tears. So, I can trigger hypomania anytime with coffee, but is what always happens afterward worth the trouble? I have mixed feelings.
Feeling exuberantly joyful is nowhere close to feeling calm, collected, and at peace. You can focus, decide what you want the…