Origin of Insanity

A deep need for connection, belonging, and unconditional love.

Aimée Sparrow
3 min readJun 7, 2023
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Many a psychiatrist, knowing the depths of suffering their patients go through or choosing to desensitize themselves and do what they must, can see a glimpse into what makes a person lose their mind. Why does connection mean so much to those possessing a human spirit? Why does it feel like without it, we will immediately die? Because babies left in orphanages essentially die for the same reason. Love, connection, and belonging are intrinsic needs crucial to survival and, therefore, tightly bound in the hearts of human beings.

Insanity occurs out of a call of desperation when a need is not met and where it seems impossible to meet that need. We give up hope, become disheartened, doomed, and full of despair, then, our mind unravels in an attempt to mend what’s broken.

Going insane is a trip. I’ve been on this particular trip. It’s immensely entertaining. You lose inhibitions, become a ridiculous comedian, seeing life as a simple joke, and then feel set free, intellectually powerful, and spiritually intense. As your brain reorganizes, you have vivid dreams like nothing you’ve seen before, dreams that bleed into waking life, and experience delusions or convincing beliefs not bound to everyday reality.



Aimée Sparrow

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering. aimee.sparrowling@gmail.com