The Right and Wrong Way to Date Online

As an online community member since 2007, I know things.

Aimée Sparrow
3 min readMar 4, 2023
Pixabay License

I am the kind of person who doesn’t tolerate abject and total failure. That’s why I set myself up for eventual success. Dating, as always, is a numbers game. I continued to use it to my advantage for years and learned so much along the way. In the meantime, I did continue to binge-read Medium articles about peer experiences.

The Wrong Way to Date Online

  • Send uninspired messages out of ennui or boredom to someone you might like to meet and get to know one day.
  • Keep on using online dating in frustration when it’s not working for you.
  • Get caught up in the concept of soulmate and have a big turnover rate, not giving anybody a fair chance to get to know you or for you to get to know them. You need to take advantage of a key learning opportunity here, generally learning how to date, what you want, and how people are.
  • Use a predefined checklist to reduce your dates to a list of metrics instead of real living human beings, and not be willing to deviate from that list.

The Right Way to Date Online

  • Use your unique sense of humor and intellect to introduce yourself to people you…



Aimée Sparrow

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering.