The Secret is to Listen to Yourself

So much left unsaid to oneself is so much left undone.

Aimée Sparrow
3 min readSep 22, 2022
Pixabay License

To find out what we have to do to improve our mood, our happiness, our fulfillment, and our satisfaction comes right down to listening to ourselves. We all know what we need to feel better. We just hide it to avoid shame or judgment as pain in our bodies.

Our daily lives do not need to give us discomfort, inconvenience, and recurring sadness, nor do we need to suppress fear or anger in order to move along with our days. Doing so only causes sadness, despondency, and depression.

While reading a book on neuro-linguistic programming, Neuro-Discipline: Everyday Neuroscience for Self-Discipline, Focus, and Defeating Your Brain’s Impulsive and Distracted Nature by Peter Hollins, I came to the conclusion that if I don’t make my thoughts heard, I will never really be seen and none of my problems will be solved.

It’s unfortunate how many of us go through life facing resistance and then we take the passive approach and avoid addressing the root cause of our difficulties. Generally, there is a solution to every problem if we develop clarity and motivation to seek help and fix it.

You’ll be surprised what you will find when you simply listen to what your mind has to say to you. You can do this by…



Aimée Sparrow

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering.