Want to Know if There is a God? Dream!
Dreaming helps you engage with spiritual realms.
After spiritual awakening, my dreams have been so real, as if I am dreaming and there and able to do all such things to practice for reality, or even, as some believe, influence reality from the dreams. Dreaming is a doorway to spiritual exploration, and as we experience and grow in dreams, we develop skills for communicating with the divine. Those who dream might make great Tarot readers without knowing where the skill originates from and just knowing, as intuition is described.
I used to dream as a way to escape but also to enjoy my nightly sleep. I desire to learn more about myself and the world and explore concepts I barely understand, at least those that interest me. Dreaming helps me grow, and growing helps me dream. Without lucid dreaming, I would be far less of the kind of person I am today: courageous, interested in doing what’s right no matter the cost, and asserting my value and place in this world for anyone who might want to stay and watch me live.
If it matters to you if there is a God or even what God might be, why not run some experiments in your dreams? You can ask for God or think more about it in the amorphous parallel processing mode you are in when you are dreaming or simply watch and wait. Many of us do not remember our…