What Is Insane for Me Is Sane for You

Society guides us in the wrong direction.

Aimée Sparrow
3 min readAug 26, 2023
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Most of us collectively agree upon certain knowns. One known is that we are not supposed to like our job. Another known is that we are supposed to spend little time being the best we can in what we do for a living because it’s simply a day job to pay the bills. We are not being paid to go overboard. And then there are those like me, eternally grateful I was bestowed with my ultimate dream job and will go to great lengths to do my best and love it as I do.

Society drives us to be happy yet in a strained sort of way, to not be too happy or we will lose touch with sanity and what we are supposed to do or understand, and be socially adept so that we can get lots of people to like us, even in adulthood were friends are hard to find and hard to keep unless you’ve cemented a social group.

We can be in any stage of our life and borrow from any other time when we felt alive and fulfilled, then bring those into our habits and routines and focus on what makes us come alive. For a long while, I loved working hard and getting excited about many things I preferred to focus on. I did not berate myself for losing focus because I knew I’d bounce right back the next day with my bipolar mood swing.



Aimée Sparrow

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering. aimee.sparrowling@gmail.com