Writing For Medium

A big reward at a small price.

Aimée Sparrow
2 min readJan 14, 2024
Content License

I write on Medium to share my innermost thoughts, feelings, ideas, and musings so that they can help some random stranger in the world approach a more peaceful, loving, and beautiful life. In the past, my arrogance told me that my opinion was penultimate and that anyone who graced my presence grew a thousandfold in intellectual enlightenment just from a few words. That attitude drives readers away and makes it so my writing is presumptuous.

Many of us struggle to find a writer’s voice and spread our word, and many do not have the greatest and most altruistic reasons for doing so. Instead of writing on a platform like Medium, they write for their relatively more minor group of friends and feel they have done their part. It used to irk me to no end when my friends, who had such wonderful things to say that would impact a wider audience, would share only among their friends on Facebook. That is initially why I transferred my more poignant prose to Medium.

I believe in taking a conjecture, temporarily accepting it fully, following the logic and feelings to completion, performing small experiments to gather more information, and then stepping out of the picture and realizing what it all might mean. It is an investigative and compassionate way to learn more about the world and, in my case, psychological processes…



Aimée Sparrow

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering. aimee.sparrowling@gmail.com